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May 15, 2024

Drs. Margie Lachman, Amanda Paluch, and Jen Blankenship – Technology for Enhancing Functional Health

Drs. Margie Lachman, Amanda Paluch, and Jen Blankenship recently led a webinar on "Technology for Enhancing Functional Health," focusing on the use of wearables and sensors to monitor health in aging populations. Dr. Lachman, the Minnie and Harold Fierman Professor of Psychology at Brandeis University and co-lead of the Aging Pilot Core at MassAITC, introduced the session by emphasizing the importance of functional health for aging at home, particularly using AI and machine learning tools to assist elderly individuals and those with Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Paluch discussed techniques for detecting frailty in home environments, highlighting the predictive potential of simple accelerometers in assessing frailty risks and physical activity levels. Meanwhile, Dr. Blankenship from VivoSense shared insights on developing real-world biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease, underlining the utility of wearable technologies in providing continuous, real-time data that can enhance patient care and treatment efficacy. The session concluded with a discussion period, underscoring the interdisciplinary effort required in these advances and their significant implications for improving quality of life among older adults.

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